UNL Studio How-to: Add Points of Interest (POIs)#
1. Learn how to add new Points of Interests (POIs) in your VPM!Visit UNL Studio#
3. Select the cell to add a POI#
4. Click on the three dotsSelect Add POI
5. Name your POI#
6. Select the POI typeYou can choose from a list of available options which can be changed later.
7. Click on Save as POIOnce you have name the POI and defined its type, click on Save as POI
8. Click on Attributes#
9. Edit information in AttributesInthe right pane, you can choose edit the available fields within the Attributes. These include:
- Name
- POI type
- Description
- Permanence
- Opening times
- Telephone
- Website
Do note that these fields may change according to the POI you've selected.
10. Managing the POIs you have createdOn the left toolbar, you can click on the Library icon to view a list of all the POIs you have created.
11. Click on your POIs in the libraryClicking on each POI in your library will navigate you to its location, along with the option to directly edit its attributes.